visual development for movies and gouache paintings

Figure Paintings in Gouache

For the past several years, I’ve developed a passion for gouache and all it can offer to the study of the human figure.

Here you can see some of these studies. They are all from life painted from short poses (1, 3 or 5 minutes long poses) or long poses (1 to 3 hours). I'm alo constantly sharing new studies through my social media channels, so don't hesitate to look me up and follow me: INSTAGRAM, FACEBOOK and TUMBLR.

After accumulating thousands of these little studies, I put together The Figure in Gouache book, which curates a collection of 200 figure studies done from short poses.

The book and some of these original paintings (and much more) are available for sale in my online STORE, and if you can't find what you are looking for, don't hesitate to reach out through the CONTACT page.